Wednesday, May 06, 2015


Here is an account one of our readers sent that captures the decry of people who are abused by an evangelist in Andhra who happens to JD's cousin. The abuse described fits the description of what goes on in most of the LEF centers in India.
It’s true what many have said about the harassment in LEF and it’s still happening. These LEF rogues literally threaten people and harass them mentally. They say that curse will fall on people repeatedly if they don't obey them. I see people giving more respect to the evangelists than to God. God is only secondary. LEF is all about pleasing evangelists. They want to bring more people who in the long run will be made cash cows. If you people have observed even in catholic churches where the pope is head reverence to God is more than it is to the priests. I have never experienced calmness in LEF churches that I have experienced in a non-LEF church like a catholic cathedral or a CSI church for that matter. In LEF, everywhere there is just threatening and spelling of curses. This teaching is so deeply engrossed in the subconscious minds of people that they literally don’t want to oppose anything their evangelist says. 
I still hear and see evangelists, especially one cousin of JD clan who never appreciates any one building houses and getting good jobs. He keeps saying-"do the will of God" which for him is to serve him and he expects people to be falling at his feet which is totally against God’s word. In most other churches the church will be open on all days and any one can go and pray at any time as per the convenience of the individual other than attending the common services. Here is the protocol of church services and what it entails.
 1. Sunday morning: Most regular people attend this service and this is an acceptable norm.
 2. Sunday evening: Regular people are questioned if they don’t attend. Evangelist says “you are wasting your time if you don’t attend.” 
3. Wednesday evening: People have to attend. If they don’t, they are questioned. Evangelist says- “your prayer life is not good, if you don’t attend.”
4. Saturday fasting prayer: If you don’t attend, you are a traitor. 
In addition to the above schedules, most LEF centers have these schedules.
5. First Tuesday of every month: Some special meeting.
6. Thursday: Brother’s meeting 
7. Friday evening: Cottage meeting 
8. Month of May: Everyday preparing for May retreat. 
9. Month of June: Everyday prayer meeting. 
10. All national holidays and also bandh or strike times: Some or the other event 
11. LEF anniversary: People are squeezed at least for a week or two to do different things. Retired people or long-time members who are regular attendees are asked to preach in different places. They are given schedules. This happens in many centers. If they are not able to go for any reason, they have to go and beg like they do in an office and get permission. Also, these old people who are so used to this way of life are so afraid that if they don't obey the evangelist, then they will get rejected and not even be considered as a LEF person anymore. 
12. December:  Again carol services which is another big tamasha. Every member is expected to be in all carol services in all sub-centers. 
13. May Retreat: No matter what, long-time members have to to travel to get baked in sun in the month of May (no matter what their physical condition or their family schedule is) and see the Chennai circus show. 
People have to attend all of the above without an exception.People could come to all these meetings without much discomfort when the conditions were different. Back then, 90 percent people were employed Monday to Friday and from 9 am to 5 pm or did some agricultural work. Now people work 24/7 and travel everywhere for work. Attending all these services is not possible and victimizing people for not attending is not acceptable. I know that many children want their parents to be with them in old age so that they can relax and they can take care of them and vice versa but these old people are not allowed by this evangelist to go on vacation to their children who are in different places. 
In spite of all this, this evangelist is so cunning. He never speaks about any ongoing evil within the church and ask for prayer. I don’t understand what they pray for. The elderly people do not even know anything about whistle blower or they are not even told about this.
This evangelist, JD’s cousin targets old and retired people. It doesn't matter to him if these old people are healthy or not or if they have children or grandchildren to take care of or not. He needs all these old people to come to every single one of these meetings. He simply says-“come and fall at my feet and god will take care of the rest." Some people have to travel (be it commuting in a bus over long distance in sun or rain or dust and traffic) and this evangelist blasts them if they cannot make it. He harasses people with his harsh words if for some reason they cannot show up to any of the meetings.
Here are somethings to note:
A. Not everyone can attend all the meetings (This should be taken in the right spirit) 
B. Everyone has a family and work which they have to balance and then also involve in church activity. (This again is not accepted - saying "Be in church, God will take care of your family) 

If all this is not harassment, then what else is harassment?