Friday, April 08, 2016


John Daniel the Thuglaq of LEF ( has more to his credit. In less than two years of his being on the "LEF throne" (which his manipulative mother Lily Daniel strove hard to place him on), he has managed to bring LEF to streets in the most literal sense. People in Guntur district have taken to streets to express their anger and resentment about Peter Paul, John Daniel and LEF. Guess what ??? People are now running to their caste leaders to get justice and get back what LEF has cunningly grabbed from them. The recent dharna (protest) in Sathenapalli was in response to John Daniel's foolish and arrogant response which aggravated the oppressed people who were looking for justice. 
This is the continuation to the earlier post about Mr. Vijayakumar
Mr. Vijayakumar, seeing that no help was coming form LEF with the situation was forced to find help from outsiders. When these 'outsiders' went and confronted Peter Paul, Peter Paul assured Vijayakumar and his supporters that he will talk to John Daniel and get back to them.
Here is the email that Peter Paul promised to send to John Daniel:

Here is John Daniel's reply to Peter Paul:

When Mr. Vijayakumar showed this email communication to people who were trying to help him resolve this issue, they decided to bring it to the notice of the towns folk. We found out from reliable sources that a procession was organized and people made some placards with the pictures of Peter Paul and John Daniel and carried them through the streets while shouting out slogans - Peter Paul down down, John Daniel down down...All of this mess was broadcast live on some TV channels and here is the newspaper article that reported the incident:

Translation of the news article:
Sathenapalli: The President of the State Erukula (a caste name) Rights Protection Committee Mr. N.M.K organized a protest and demanded that action should be taken against those who are insulting the Dalit Christians. This protest was carried out on Thursday near the local Tehsildhar's (equivalent of a Collector) office. Mr. N.M.K said that Pastor Viajaya kumar and other Christian brothers toiled hard for the last 15 years and built a church on the Achampet and Pakalapadu road. Mr. N.M.K alleged that Peter Paul, AP LEF's head played caste politics and created groups and destroyed the church. After the protest, the protesters submitted a letter to the Tehsildhar's office with all their demands.
As unfortunate and shameful as it is, a picture is emerging that people who are in leadership roles in LEF are oppressing weaker LEF people who belong to Dalit communities. What a disgrace??? Worse still is that all of this is spilling over into the streets. John Daniel should think twice before he runs his big mouth if he actually dares to come and appear in "public meetings" in Andhra and other places in India. What a great way for the so called "heathen" to be introduced to caste politics of a church that touts itself as being a church that is going to be the church that will last till Jesus's Second Coming? Kudos to LEF folks for not only sponsoring these criminals with their tithes and offerings but also for handing over their lives and souls to these criminals.