Sunday, August 07, 2016


We are publishing this letter with the permission of Mr. Scott McCormick who has recently written to John Daniel to warn him on what destruction is awaiting LEF
Attention : Chairman of LEFI Chennai.
Mr John Daniel.
I write this email with serious concerns about the latest allegations concerning both the actions of yourself and those of the late Joshua Daniel and others employed and commissioned under your leadership of LEFI, Chennai.
It saddens me greatly to hear of allegations of sexual abuse, stealing of land titles, bullying and manipulation of satellite church pastors, all bearing LEFI banner. 
Given that I was a guest at LEFI back in 2009, that is before your appointment to chairman and CEO of LEFI, I have become aware since that time of very worrying allegations made against LEF concerning both moral and a financial lack of integrity.
I read via the internet that Pastor John Branch had allegedly compromised his moral standing as a long term guest speaker of LEF for many years. This has 
saddened me to hear. I very much love and respect John Branch and what a shame to lose such a faithful man from Christs ministry.
During my 4 weeks with LEF during a retreat in 2009, I had the privilege to interact with some 60 bible students. I received various email contacts etc ...
It has come to my attention from an inside LEF source, that Government Electricity was stolen by LEF over a12 month period. This occurred under the leadership of the late Mr. Joshua Daniel.
I was told that 2 bible College students were stationed near the fence by
Mr. Joshua Daniel so as to carefully observe, should government electrical commission employees came to check the lines. The Bible College Manager, (Will not disclose at this time.) was on a routine walk around LEF he observed two of his students standing near the fence. When he questioned them as to why, they were not in class. The 2 boys advised him as to Mr. Joshua Daniel’s instructions as to avoiding class and to watch the wires.
Further the boys were instructed by Joshua Daniel, to remove the linking wires should electrical inspectors come along, this they were informed to do, and not to go to class. The bible College Manager subsequently resigned... Huuuuum !
In any event this news concerning your ministry has now spread around the world. Should these allegations be true, I write to state to you, what a huge transgression they are toward Christ.
There are many theologians who believe that the day of separation occurs only after the resurrection,
Yes! The separation of the Just and the Unjust occurs at Judgement Seat. 
But Christ is also separating them today on earth. When Christ separates, He shakes.  
Mr John Daniel: I give you this warning & prophecy today.
Should any of the above allegations be true and they are not made right, both for personnel individuals and Government Agencies and if you John Daniel seek to cover and conceal them; 
**** Christ will shake LEFI to the core.**** 

Evangelist Mr Scott McCormick 
Perth Western Australia
"I worship The Father of a murdered Son."